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- * TxtCharCopyA()
- *
- * This routine was written as a replacement for the stuff
- * done in ANSI-C for "BareED".
- *
- * This routine can be used to copy overlayed, whilst non-
- * overlayed copying is supported, too. It's more than 100%
- * faster than its eqivalent (byte-copy) in ANSI-C.
- * Does not require a MC68020 or higher or other specific
- * stuff, runs with a plain MC68000.
- *
- * Copy-mode selected within routine; there are a couple of
- * it avaiable.
- *
- * Calling convention:
- *
- * TxtCharCopyA( source-addr, dest-addr, length);
- * void TxtCharCopyA( char *, char *, ULONG)
- *
- *
- * Can now be assembled using a68k.
- *
- *
- * Copyright 1996/97/98/99 Jörg van de Loo
- *
- * $VER: TxtCharCopyA 2.0 (07.02.1997)
- *
- IFD __G2 ; HiSoft Devpac Amiga assembler?
- OPT L+ ; Create link-able code
- IDNT 'cpylib.asm'
- MACHINE MC68000 ; Processor
- OUTPUT cpylib.lib ; Where to store object?
- XDEF _TxtCharCopy
- XDEF _TxtCharCopyA
- include exec/execbase.i
- dc.b 'TXTCHARCOPY 2.0 © COPYRIGHT 1996-99 J.v.d.Loo'
- CNOP 0,4
- *
- ** C-entry point
- *
- _TxtCharCopy
- movem.l 4(sp),A0-A1
- move.l 12(sp),D0
- *
- ** Source, Destination, size - calling convention "CopyMem()" alike
- *
- _TxtCharCopyA
- movem.l D2-D6/A2,-(sp)
- moveq #24,D3 ; Shif-values...
- moveq #8,D4
- cmpa.l A1,A0
- bhi.w _ForwardCopy ; Ascend copy
- move.l A0,D1 ; Check if we're going to
- add.l D0,D1 ; copy 'overlayed'
- cmp.l A1,D1
- bls.w _ForwardCopy ; Ascend copy
- * %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- _ReverseCopy ; Descend copy
- lea 0(A0,D0.l),A0
- lea 0(A1,D0.l),A1
- cmpi.l #32,D0 ; At least 33 bytes to copy?
- bls.w .rbytecpy
- move.l A0,D1
- andi.b #1,D1
- beq.s .rsrceven ; Source even
- * --------------------------------- *
- .rsrcodd
- move.l A1,D1
- andi.b #1,D1
- bne.s .rbothodd
- .rscrOddDestEven
- * ---- Source is odd, destination is even --- *
- .sode
- movea.l (4).w,A2 ; 2478 0004 instead of 2479 0000 0004, Zero-Page = word addressing mode
- move.w AttnFlags(A2),D1
- andi.w #AFF_68020!AFF_68030!AFF_68040!AFF_68060,D1
- bne.s .rbotheven ; Don't care about the limits of the 68000/08/10/12
- move.l D0,D2 ; Amount
- andi.l #-4,D2 ; Modulo 4
- sub.l D2,D0 ; Compute rest
- lsr.l #2,D2 ; Through 4 (number of longs)
- subq.l #1,D2 ; 'Cause of 'Carry'
- moveq #0,D1 ; No conflicts, please
- move.b -(A0),D1 ; Get the even byte [ ___e ]
- .sode1
- move.l -(A0),D5 ; Get the even long [ abcd ]
- move.l D5,D6 ; Save it for later [ abcd ]
- lsl.l D4,D5 ; <<8 [ bcd_ ]
- lsr.l D3,D6 ; >>24 [ ___a ]
- or.l D1,D5 ; Join... [ bcde ]
- move.l D5,-(A1) ; Store longword [ bcde ]
- move.b D6,D1 ; D1 (byte) [ ___a ]
- subq.l #1,D2 ; Decrease number of loops
- bcc.s .sode1 ; If there is a rest...
- addq.l #1,A0 ; One too far...
- bra.s .rbytecpy
- .rbothodd
- * ---- Source is odd, destination is odd --- *
- move.b -(A0),-(A1)
- subq.l #1,D0 ; Now both even!
- * ---- Source is even, destination is even --- * \\\\ Or we have CPU that can handle 32 bit addresses ////
- .rbotheven
- move.l D0,D2 ; Amount
- andi.l #-32,D2 ; Modulo 32
- sub.l D2,D0 ; Compute rest
- lsr.l #5,D2 ; Through 32 (number of longs)
- subq.l #1,D2 ; 'Cause of 'Carry'
- .sede
- move.l -(A0),-(A1)
- move.l -(A0),-(A1)
- move.l -(A0),-(A1)
- move.l -(A0),-(A1)
- move.l -(A0),-(A1)
- move.l -(A0),-(A1)
- move.l -(A0),-(A1)
- move.l -(A0),-(A1)
- subq.l #1,D2 ; Stored 32 bytes
- bcc.s .sede ; A rest?
- bra.s .rbytecpy
- * --------------------------------- *
- .rsrceven
- move.l A1,D1
- andi.b #1,D1
- beq.s .rbotheven
- .rsrcEvenDestOdd
- * ---- Source is even, destination is odd --- *
- .sedo
- move.b -(A0),-(A1)
- subq.l #1,D0
- bra.s .sode ; Now source odd, destination even!
- * ---- Check for rest of characters to copy --- *
- .rbytecpy
- tst.b D0
- beq.s .rdone
- .rbytecpyLoop
- move.b -(A0),-(A1)
- subq.b #1,D0
- bne.s .rbytecpyLoop
- .rdone
- bra.w _TxtCharCopyDone
- * %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- _ForwardCopy
- cmpi.l #32,D0 ; At least 33 bytes to copy?
- bls.s .fbytecpy
- move.l A0,D1
- andi.b #1,D1
- beq.s .fsrceven ; Source even
- * --------------------------------- *
- .fsrcodd
- move.l A1,D1
- andi.b #1,D1
- bne.s .fbothodd
- .fscrOddDestEven
- * ---- Source is odd, destination is even --- *
- .fsode
- movea.l (4).w,A2
- move.w AttnFlags(A2),D1
- andi.w #AFF_68020!AFF_68030!AFF_68040!AFF_68060,D1
- bne.s .fbotheven ; Don't care about the limit of the 68000
- move.l D0,D2 ; Amount
- andi.l #-4,D2 ; Modulo 4
- sub.l D2,D0 ; Compute rest
- lsr.l #2,D2 ; Through 4 (number of longs)
- subq.l #1,D2 ; 'Cause of 'Carry'
- move.b (A0)+,D1 ; The odd byte [ ><>a ]
- .fsode1
- lsl.l D3,D1 ; <<24 [ a___ ]
- move.l (A0)+,D5 ; The even long [ bcde ]
- move.b D5,D6 ; The odd byte [ ><>e ]
- lsr.l D4,D5 ; >>8 [ _bcd ]
- or.l D5,D1 ; Join... [ abcd ]
- move.l D1,(A1)+ ; Store longword [ abcd ]
- move.b D6,D1 ; D1 (byte) [ ><>e ]
- subq.l #1,D2 ; Decrease number of loops
- bcc.s .fsode1 ; If there is a rest...
- subq.l #1,A0 ; One too far...
- bra.s .fbytecpy
- .fbothodd
- * ---- Source is odd, destination is odd --- *
- move.b (A0)+,(A1)+
- subq.l #1,D0
- * ---- Source is even, destination is even --- * \\\\ Or we have CPU that can handle 32 bit addresses ////
- .fbotheven
- move.l D0,D2 ; Amount
- andi.l #-32,D2 ; Modulo 32
- sub.l D2,D0 ; Compute rest
- lsr.l #5,D2 ; Through 32 (number of longs)
- subq.l #1,D2 ; 'Cause of 'Carry'
- .fsede
- move.l (A0)+,(A1)+
- move.l (A0)+,(A1)+
- move.l (A0)+,(A1)+
- move.l (A0)+,(A1)+
- move.l (A0)+,(A1)+
- move.l (A0)+,(A1)+
- move.l (A0)+,(A1)+
- move.l (A0)+,(A1)+
- subq.l #1,D2 ; Stored 32 bytes?
- bcc.s .fsede ; A rest?
- bra.s .fbytecpy
- * --------------------------------- *
- .fsrceven
- move.l A1,D1
- andi.b #1,D1
- beq.s .fbotheven
- .fsrcEvenDestOdd
- * ---- Source is even, destination is odd --- *
- move.b (A0)+,(A1)+
- subq.l #1,D0
- bra.s .fsode
- .fbytecpy
- tst.b D0
- beq.s .fdone
- .fbytecpyLoop
- move.b (A0)+,(A1)+
- subq.b #1,D0
- bne.s .fbytecpyLoop
- .fdone
- * --------------------------------- *
- _TxtCharCopyDone
- movem.l (sp)+,D2-D6/A2
- rts